Attention investors! From 27/04/2024 to 28/04/2024, our platform will be temporarily offline for maintenance as we fine-tune to ride the stock market waves. Stay tuned for smoother sailing ahead!

Attention investors! From 27/04/2024 to 28/04/2024, our platform will be temporarily offline for maintenance as we fine-tune to ride the stock market waves. Stay tuned for smoother sailing ahead!

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Account & Subscription FAQs

Account & Subscription Related

To reset your password, please click on Forgot Password and follow the instructions.

Yes, we offer a 10 Days Trial at Rs. 0 Only. You can visit our Take a Trial page to avail the trial. Please note that an individual can take a trial only once.

You can subscribe to our services using the App or visit our website, to Signup & subscribe to your preferred plan. Don't forget to check our Offers page to find current offers on subscription.

Yes, however, this doesn't happen if you make the payment using Bank Transfer. If you have made a payment using Bank Transfer, you will have to Contact Us for making any changes to your plan.

Yes, we have a dedicated Client Support Team who is available for customer's queries from morning 9 am to 7 pm IST. Our contact details can be found on our Contact Us page.